
How To Use Dr Browns Steriliser

Equally infant grows throughout their kickoff year of life, their immune system is growing, too. Being exposed to germs in the home throughout their first twelvemonth is function of how baby's immune system develops and strengthens. That means you don't have to stress most the mess in your abode – information technology's making your kid stronger!

Why Sterilize Baby Bottles?

At that place is a difference between immune-building leaner and bad bacteria. Ofttimes, disease-causing germs are constitute on items that come into contact with baby's mouth, similar infant bottles. Washing bottles in hot, soapy water is key, but some harmful bacteria can linger through even the lengthiest scrubbing – and get in after washing.

Meet, bacteria can cultivate through transfer, including treatment bottle nipples with unwashed easily. Also from exposure, such equally leaving a washed bottle on the kitchen counter when you prepped that raw chicken last night.

That'due south why many parents cull to add sterilizing to your canteen cleaning process. By sterilizing, harmful leaner is eliminated.

How Ofttimes Should I Sterilize?

The Centers for Disease Control states that, "Sanitizing is especially of import when your babe is younger than iii months, was born prematurely, or has a weakened immune organization." In those cases, sterilizing at to the lowest degree 1 daily is recommended. For older, good for you babies, it may not exist necessary as long as those items are carefully cleaned later on each employ.

Ask your pediatrician regarding how oft to sterilize for healthy, older babies, but these are our general recommendations:

  • Sterilize before the first use of the canteen after purchase.
  • Sterilize later traveling with the canteen.
  • Sterilize if milk or formula has been inside at room temperature across the recommended fourth dimension catamenia.
  • Sterilize if it comes in contact with contaminated surfaces or floors.
  • Sterilize daily when baby is sick with the flu or other viral or bacterial infections.

It'south important to note that excessive sterilization over fourth dimension may crusade the ink on some Dr. Brown's bottles to come off. The same can be said about rough scrubbing of the exterior of the canteen vessel.

At Dr. Chocolate-brown's®, we like options – so let'due south look at a few means to sterilize your Dr. Brown's bottles chop-chop and effectively no matter where you're at when it's feeding time.

How to Sterilize Baby Bottles on the Stovetop

You only need a clean pot (or saucepan depending on bottle count), water, and a stove burner.

The plus side to stovetop sterilizing is you already have all the mechanisms. The con is that it's the nigh time-consuming way to sterilize. Here are the steps:

  • Remove all internal parts from the bottles and place everything into a pot.
  • Fill the pot with enough water to encompass all bottle parts to make certain the bottles don't affect an exposed area of the pot.
  • Bring the pot of water to a boil and eddy for at to the lowest degree 5 minutes.
  • Plough off the stove and permit everything cool before removing.
  • Let bottles and parts air dry.

Have care with what yous utilise to air dry out bottles. Allowing them to touch the surface of the counter tin can contaminate the bottles. Instead, grab Dr. Brown's Folding Drying rack. It's designed to fit not just bottles and accessories but typical cups, bowls, and utensils. The drying rack features a raised drying platform, so you can eliminate bottle contact. The tray base collects water so your countertop doesn't. When yous're done, fold the rack dorsum upwardly and shop in a clean, dry out identify.

Dr Browns Folding Drying Rack ad

The Convenience of Electric Steam Sterilizers

If you prefer convenience and ease of use, go with an electric steam sterilizer. They apply steamed water that reaches high temperatures to kill bacteria. They quickly sterilize, hands make clean bottles, nipples, bottle parts, and pacifiers, and leave nothing behind. If you don't have a dishwasher, we highly recommend the electric steam sterilizer. The only downside: They take upwardly space.

Dr. Brown's® Deluxe Bottle Sterilizer , has some other benefits, too. Information technology fits all Dr. Brown's bottles and most other bottle brands, it cleans upwards to vi bottles at one time, features an auto shut-off, and has an upper basket designed for a multitude of nipples, pacifiers, and internal bottle parts. Hither'due south how to employ it:

  • Remove the internal bottle tray.
  • Fill the included measuring cup with distilled h2o to the designated make full line and dump into empty sterilizer.
  • Reinsert the tray and place bottles and reservoirs separately in designated spots.
  • Close tiptop, and open up top basket.
  • Place nipples with the collars around them, pacifiers, and any other parts you wish to sterilize into the basket.
  • Close the lid and turn on the sterilizer.
  • Walk away considering your job here is done.

How to Use a Microwave Steam Sterilizer

If you lot take a microwave and non a lot of counter or cabinet space, a microwave sterilizer is the perfect solution. It takes the aforementioned effective steam technology as an electrical steam sterilizer, using your microwave as the heat source.

Most microwave sterilizers fit standard size microwaves, but if your detail microwave is on the small side, you might want to double check measurements.

Here'due south how the Dr. Brown'due south® Microwave Steam Sterilizer  works:

  • Fill clean bottle with six oz/180 ml of clean water and pour into sterilizer.
  • Load items to be sterilized.
  • Close the lid, place inside microwave, and prepare time according to instructions.
  • Let items and h2o cool for at least ten minutes.

Travel-Friendly Microwave Sterilizer Steam Numberless

When you're on-the-become and so are your baby bottles, microwave sterilizer bags are your best friend. Dr. Brown's® Microwave Steam Sterilizer Numberless  are large enough to fit bottles, internal parts and nipples. And it's not a use-and-lose engineering; you get xx uses per bag. It'south so safe, it's cleared for hospital use. Plus, it will hands fit pacifiers, besides.

Here'south how to employ Dr. Brown's Microwave Sterilizer Bags:

  • Fill a clean canteen with ii oz/lx ml of clean h2o and cascade into purse.
  • Place items to be sterilized into bag.
  • Seal bag tightly.
  • Place pocketbook in microwave and set time according to instructions.
  • Utilise an oven mitt when removing purse from microwave as it will be very hot.
  • Open and allow cool before use.
  • Use the Bleed Spout to pour out backlog h2o before removing the contents.

Watch this quick video to see how to employ Dr. Dark-brown's Microwave Steam Sterilizer and Microwave Steam Sterilizer Bags

Yous may not have to worry virtually picking up that living room – but you may need to think about what your baby bottles tin can pick up. Sterilizing them in whatever way works best for you lot keeps bacteria at bay and gives baby a gamble to build upwards their immunity. For questions on any Dr. Brown's sterilizing products, reach out today !


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